Wireless charging in now days!!!!

How wireless charging works?

Wireless charging works on electromagnetic wave principal.Every object with enough power is a potential source of an electromagnetic field. When electricity flows, it creates an electromagnetic field. To make a strong electromagnetic field with copper wire, you need a force. The power of the field depends on the number of coils you can fit in the device. The electromagnetic fields need to be close to each other to keep a strong connection.
Due to this, today the wireless chargers come in the form of mats. You need to put your phone right on it to get it charge. 

Disadvantages of wireless charging:

Wires are still faster than an electromagnetic field.Wireless charging takes double time to charge a smartphone from 0 percent to 100 percent. The method of electromagnetic charging would not remain same. It will get better in the upcoming years.

Charging Technology in future:

Resonance charging will be good for devices with a high level of power usage like cars, laptops and robots. Researchers are developing the laser charging technology. It may be extremely powerful and focused to the device. Researchers are also developing various technologies to charge phones or other devices with infrared light waves, radio signals and ultrasound waves .


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