Some tech facts, let's know!!!

1: The Firefox logo is not a fox. There is a common misunderstanding that because the browser is named Firefox, the logo must be a fox.Surprisingly, the cute furry creature in the logo is actually a red panda!

2: The first Apple logo is not what you would think. Originally, it featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting beneath a tree, with an apple about to fall on his head.

3: The name for “robot” has dark origins. If you look into the etymology of “robot,” it comes from the Czech word “robota” which translates to forced labor or work.The word was first used to refer to a fictional humanoid in a play in 1920.

4: Domain name registration used to be free.Way back when people did not realize how huge the internet would be, registering a domain name was free until 1995.When a fee was introduced, it was high! Prices were typically $100 for two years of registration.

5: Alexa is always listening to your conversations. This probably is not new to you. Siri has been doing it forever. Alexa stores your dialogue history to its cloud to help improve your Alexa experience.But, you can review and delete these recordings, either in bulk, or individually.

6: The majority of the people plug in their USB wrong. 86% of people try to plus in their USB devices upside down.That makes me feel a lot better about getting it wrong every time!


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