Top 5 supercomputer in the world!!!!!

We all have at least one piece of computer. It can be desktop , mobile ,laptop ,or just a tiny calculator but have you ever thought how fast this computers can be at their best?
Fastest ones comes under category of SuperComputers which maid for special purpose and need more resources as well as cost huge amount for building and maintainance.This is one of the Best achievement human had in modern era.

Supercomputers are the fastest but here we going to talk about the top 5 fastest among them:


This was revolutionary super computer as it beat the All Chinese giants first time in the History and reached the top of the table it was upgraded very quickly and has massive
Improvements in few months.For now it is used for the latest medical treatments and practices of space missions.  
Speed: 143.5Pflops
Cores: 12,442,000


After The launch of TaihuLight US situated Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Work on the Project Sierra and optimised it to give best performance over any other in 2018.It was powered by the Nvidia and IBM hardware which make it great for the Simulation And 3D the Nuclear Research.
Speed: 94.6Pflops
Cores: 1,572,480

3.Sunway TaihuLight:

This is Current Fastest in asia and was the fastest till 2018.was launched in the 2016 and located at the national supercomputer centere china ,wuxi.Currently this used by china for all the marine activities management and the climate science study.This Computer was the first of its kind with Much higher specs and had no competition for almost 2 yrs.
Speed: 93.01Pflops
Cores: 10,649,000

4.Tianhe-2 :

This Was Developed by NUDT ,china.It was at the 1st position when it launced.The main purpose of this supercomputer is related to government of china and that’s why all the work done by this is still secret.The Tianhe means Milky-Way In chinease..It is Consider to be tough for handling in comparisons to the others in this list.
Speed: 61.4Pflops
Cores: 4,981,760

5.Piz Daint:

This is the fastest supercomputer in the Europe.It has the swiss origin and that’s why named after the famous swiss alps.It was launced in 2013. later in 2017 it gets upgraded and since then it become 5th fastest supercomputer in the world.
Speed: 21.2Pflops
Cores: 387,872


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