Top 5 programming language that ruled in future!!!!!

Programming language is a formal language. In this time, a lot of programming languages are spreading. The programming language is a set of instruction that produces the output. 

Following are the most popular languages such as:

1. Java:

Java was developed by SUN Microsystems in 1991.It is a simple programming language.Java is high level language.It is object oriented,robust and secure language.

2. C Programming Language:

The C Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie at American Telegraph and Telecom Bell Laboratories,USA in 1972.The C language is developed for creating system applications that directly interact with the hardware such as kernels,drivers.It is considered as the base for other programming languages,that it is known as mother language.

3. Python:

Python is an high level,general purpose programming language.It is designed by Guido van Rossum first released in 1991.It is used for developing both desktop and web applications.

4. JavaScript:

JavaScript was designed by Brendan Eich in 1995.This language was initially called LiveScript and was later rename JavaScript. JavaScript is an object-based scripting language.It is light-weighted and cross platform language.

5. Ruby Programming Language:

Ruby is a pure object-oriented language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in Japan in the mid 1990's.It is dynamic and open source programming language is focus on simplicity and productivity.It is easy to write and understand due to elegant syntax.


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