How to find hidden camera in hotel room?
This is the time when almost everyone of us like to do traveling and hangout, for this we check-in hotel rooms and hence the threat of security can not be denied. We neglect these internet spying as they are not damaging us physically and consequences are mostly indirect. While spying by camera is a crime that everyone is concerned of while using public properties and that is totally genuine concern. We all are very frequently visiting malls, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc. We must be aware of being secure and safe, especially girls.
We all have security concerns while visiting changing rooms and hotel rooms specially when visiting along with girlfriends or any female.
So the question arises, "How to check if you are being spied by camera?".
So here are some tips to follow before using hotel room and public properties:
1.Turn The Lights off:
Close the curtains and turn all the lights off, Now observe carefully around you to detect any blinking or constant red or green light, which might be an infrared camera or any other spying equipment.
2.Touch the Mirrors:
Use your finger to touch the mirrors. If there is a small distance between your finger and the reflection in the mirror then it is a normal mirror. But if there is no distance between your finger and reflection then, the mirror may be transparent from one side.
3.Use your Phone:
Use your phone to make a call and during the call if you notice some unusual disturbance or irregularity or rapid irregular network then it may be a sign of presence of any radio spy device.
It is the best to notice all the possible things and check them if they are fitted with some devices to spy for ex. T.V. , Vase, Pots, etc.
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