Is your Mobile Battery constantly heated up???

When we get a new phone, we ask, will the phone not be hot? 
But the reason behind the phone heating is different:

1.Many apps let you keep the background going. 
So the battery drains quickly and the phone gets too third-party charging is attempted as the phone runs out of battery. 

2.Sometimes, even after 100 per cent charging, the phone keeps heating up. 
Be careful not to charge when the battery is full.

3.If the brightness of the screen is high, the same will affect the battery. 
When it's not needed, key third-party's brightness low. 
4.Ifou keep the app updated, the battery will not get heated. 
Because the bugs in many apps on the phone's system increase the stress. 
Bugs are removed in the update. 
So the battery will not be heated.

If the phone gets hot, keep the cover covered for a while. 
It would be best for you to provide it directly to the service from  any other solution.


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