Facebook dropped from top-10 brand in the world!!!

Facebook lost its place among the world's 10 most valuable brands in the global brand consultancy Interbrand's annual ranking of the top 100 Facebook had been in discussion over the last year for the confidentiality issue and investigations were on in this matter throughout the year.

Facebook has dropped from this list to 14th. Two years ago, this popular social media platform not only ranked eighth on the list, but was also present as a brand to be 'consistently appreciated'.
Facebook backward than McDonald's.
Apple leads the 100 best brand list. After that comes number of Google and Amazon. While Microsoft managed to make it to the fourth, Coca-Cola fifth and Samsung sixth in this list. Toyota was one notched below Samsung and Mercedes finished eighth. Facebook also lagged behind McDonald's and Disney, ranking ninth and tenth.

Mark Benoff, CEO of US-based software company Salesforce, called Facebook the 'new cigarette' that is making children lamis. Not only this, Facebook was criticized by many people in America. The Attorney General of about 40 states in the US had decided to join the investigation against Facebook's methods of doing business.

Facebook agreed to pay $5 billion to compromise the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) this year over a breach of privacy. According to a survey by independent research firm Pomon Institute in 2018, users' trust on Facebook had fallen by 66 percent after the Cambridge Analytica data scandal involved 87 million users. Only 28 percent of Facebook users believe that Facebook is committed to privacy. Pomon said that 'We found that people are very much vigilant about privacy and whenever there is a big fraud like Facebook, people express their concern. While some people stop going to that platform.


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